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Struggling to Hit Quota? Here’s How to Turn Things Around

Getting Prospects on the Phone

The sales world is tougher than ever right now. You’re not alone if you’re feeling the heat. Quotas are being missed left and right, and it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a rut. But here’s the thing—times like these separate the sales professionals from the sales pretenders.

The Reality Check

We all know that sales isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a battlefield where only the strongest survive, and right now, a lot of reps are finding themselves on the losing end. Missing quota? You’re not the only one. But that’s no excuse to throw in the towel.

The sales landscape may be challenging, but it’s not insurmountable. What separates those who thrive from those who barely survive is a willingness to adapt, learn, and push forward with renewed vigor.

Here’s How to Hang In There

1. Reframe the Challenge: Instead of viewing the current situation as a setback, see it as an opportunity to sharpen your skills. The market is constantly evolving, and so should you. Embrace the challenge as a chance to improve, not a reason to give up.

2. Double Down on What Works: Now is not the time to abandon what has worked in the past. Instead, refine it. Review your calls, emails, and pitches. What’s resonating with prospects? What’s falling flat? Double down on the tactics that are yielding results and cut out what isn’t.

3. Get Back to Basics: When was the last time you truly nailed the fundamentals? Whether it’s mastering your cold call opener or refining your value proposition, the basics matter more than ever. It’s time to revisit them, practice them, and execute them flawlessly.

4. Stay Mentally Tough: Sales is as much a mental game as it is a numbers game. Keep your mindset strong. Remember why you got into sales in the first place, and use that as your fuel to keep pushing forward. It’s not about avoiding rejection—it’s about learning from it and coming back stronger.

5. Role-Play Like a Pro: When the going gets tough, the tough get practicing. The most successful salespeople know that continuous improvement is key, and one of the best ways to sharpen your skills is through role-playing. Don’t just wait until you’re in front of a prospect—practice your pitch, objections, and closes with a colleague or mentor. The more you role-play, the more confident you’ll be when it counts. It’s about building muscle memory so that when the pressure is on, you perform at your best.

P.S. I do live role-playing with students on Tuesdays @ 1 PM EST.

Don’t Let Tough Times Define You

Salespeople who rise to the occasion during challenging times don’t just survive—they thrive. The secret? They don’t quit when the going gets tough. They dig in, adapt, and emerge stronger on the other side.

Remember, it’s not about how hard you can hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

Let’s get to work.

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