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Sales Cadence Examples for Cold and Warm Calling

Sales Call Cadence Examples for Cold and Warm Calling by Michael Pedone

Original Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCRgfZWI4N4 


GABE LARSON: Michael, we talked about warm and cold, that’s kind of where we left off, um and some of the things, you need to be thinking about target audience. Let’s get into maybe some of these things you feel like are good approach strategies as you go after warm and cold. Can you give us maybe one example of each? How you’d approach it? Thinking of different audiences then?

MICHAEL PEDONE: So there’s, there’s, I have two cold ways. Right? First of all, I don’t want to chase a prospect. I don’t want to chase anybody that doesn’t want to be caught. Right? So, I see a lot of these cadences where they’re reaching out to a cold lead 20 times in 3 weeks or within a month or whatever. And the thing is this: that’s borderline harassment as far as I’m concerned.  

GBL: laughs

MJP: And so, the thing is this: there’s two different ways I use it. The one way is where I have like the 72-hour outreach. And how this works is, I will call if I get voicemail I’ll leave a voicemail and then I’ll immediately send an email. 

GBL: Okay.

MJP: And then I use it as a sales tool that if I don’t hear back from them by say like 11:30 the next morning – 

GBL: Yep.

MJP: – and you know, and another email will go out to them automatically. It’s a little bit different verbiage but still hitting the same point. And then if I don’t hear back from them by the third day, by the afternoon, a third and final email will go out to them as well. And basically, say hey, bad time you know I guess we caught you at a bad time, but if you ever need this, here’s how to contact me. And so I will call, voicemail, email, the first day, and then day 2 and day 3 at different times, I have a second and a third, I call it my 72 hour outreach. And I get really great results from that because I’m already on to the next one. My theory is this: if I call and I let voicemail and I got it, and I sent them an email and I’m coming in it with my best ‘what’s in it for them’ value statement, I know they got my message. It could have been busy or they could not be interested. Right? The reason why I don’t just email only is because that can get caught into a spam folder. But when I leave a voicemail, I mention I’m about to send them an email. So even if they don’t see it, they look in the spam folder, and then they catch it and they reply back to it. Or sometimes they’ll get a call back and say hey, I never got your email. So I will call, leave a voicemail, send an email. The second day, I want to make use of automated tools that can get more done in less time so that second day that extra email and on the third day is one final one. I’m cutting them loose, I’m letting them know no hard feelings.  You know maybe right now is not a good time. And in there, there you have it. I know they’ve gotten my message. Why am I going to call them twice a week every week for the next 4 weeks? Obviously, either I did something wrong prospecting or timing is bad and there’s no need or whatever. I take that lead and then I put them back into my marketing campaign and I use marketing automation to let me know if they ever get interested again, or if they ever go to my site, I get notified. And now I can pick up the phone and call them because it’s a, trigger event must have happened, now it’s time to call them again. That’s the process. 

GBL: Yeah. So Daniel just said is, so there’s 72 hour kind of uh cadence and then at the end of, then that’s the end of the potential prospect. But you were just kind of saying that you put them in your marketing campaign or marketing drip, do you recycle them potentially later? Or at this point you kind of you know one and done?

MJP: Yeah no, so I always will let my marketing, my drip marketing campaigns take over. Now, my marketing campaign’s different than a lot of some of the ones that are out there. A lot of them are going to have you know pre-written funnels that you know that’s written and stuff that’s out there. You know, I don’t do it that way. It’s just personal preference. I write a new sales blog or a new sales article every week. And then so I just put them on that so they get something fresh every week. Uh as far as that goes. So that’s my strategy on that and so if they’re not reaching out, I’ll put them on that list you know if they opt out then they opt out, they’re just done, that’s fine. 

GBL: No was this, was this, a couple of people, was this for cold, or was this for warm leads? MJP: The 72 hours is going to be cold or warm. Now let me just share with you my, so now it can be used cold or warm. I usually use it for warm though. Okay? That’s my warm one. It’s different than hot, right? Now we already talked about if they requested a proposal, a customer proposal, I’m 3 times in one day if I have to get a hold of them. If it’s a warm lead, I’m gonna reach out to them that way and then I’ll do the drip thing as far as that goes. If it’s a cold lead, I find old school is best school when it comes to that. Back in the day when I first got into sales, it was one and done and I know that’s a big no-no in today’s world like oh I don’t like call lead once. And it’s like listen, if it’s a cold lead, I’m gonna call and leave a voicemail, I’m going to send an email, but then what I would do is if those were my leads, I would schedule a second attempt 30 days out. And I would just do every 30 days with them like over a 6-month period because it was, I wanted to make more, you have to make more dials on the cold than you do on the warm. And so I had to build that pipeline up. And so for cold, I would do, you know, call, voicemail, email, and then schedule, I use this tool automatically schedules 30 days out. If it’s a warm, I’m going to put them in the 72 hour and then they get scheduled out. I’m gonna say if it’s a hot, I’m gonna you know contact them 2 or 3 times in one day depending on the time that the lead came in. You know to really get on their radar. There is no perfect cadence. It doesn’t exist. It’s going to depend on certain scenarios. Now but also for everybody that’s listening you got to realize when I call on my very first attempt that I call a lead whether it’s cold, warm, or hot, it doesn’t matter, I call, leave a voicemail, send an email. That’s 3 touches. That counts as 3 right. Then I do, if I do my 72-hour, I have a couple different variations of the 72-hour uh the simple one is call, voicemail, email day one, day 2 is email, day 3 is a final email. That’s 5 touches. Uh, the other time, I have to get 9 out of them because there’s other times where I will call, voicemail, email, and for a typical lead I’ll have it in the afternoon I’ll call, voicemail, email, and then now I’m up to 6. Same thing with the third day I can do call, voicemail, email, and now it’s up to 9. So, it really there’s really other different ways that they, that’s why there’s I think what people need to realize is that they have to identify who their real target audience is, sharpen their message, know exactly what to say to peak their interest, and they’ll know what to say once to get the sales conversation going. And then just pick a cadence based on that type of lead and just go with it. Start picking up the phone, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone, leave a message, send an email, rinse and repeat. Because that’s where the money is.

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone teaches outbound sales teams exactly what to say to get sales conversations started with hard-to-reach decision-makers. He is the CEO/FOUNDER of SalesBuzz.com – An online sales training company.