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Rapport Building Tactics that Push Clients Away

Inside Sales Training Course

Why Rapport Building Tactics Don’t Work (And What to Do Instead)

I read another thread on a LinkedIn Group that was touting how sales reps should “build rapport” with prospects to close more business. I couldn’t disagree more with this concept.

Here’s why:

People may buy from people they “like.” Still, they don’t buy from people who “pretend” to have something in common with them or use manipulative tactics for ulterior motives.

False “rapport-building” is an outdated flawed sales tactic.

Consumers are smarter today and can smell insincerity over the phone or in person. Trying to build rapport falsely crushes another valuable piece of the sales puzzle for closing business, and that is TRUST.

I wouldn’t want friends that pretended to be into the same interests that I have. I’m certainly not going to do business with someone whom I deem insincere. And I’m betting neither will your prospects.

Rapport Building Should Come Naturally

If you want to connect with your prospects, learn what your best prospects “look like,” and once you’ve identified your targeted audience, continue to brand yourself as an industry expert in your field while helping them become better and more successful at what they are trying to accomplish.

When it’s time to engage with your prospect, learn how to pique their interest in the first few seconds of a sales call and continue to focus on how you may help them get what they want, and you might end up making a real friend in the process.

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone teaches inside sales teams how to pick up the phone and close business. He is the CEO/FOUNDER of SalesBuzz.com – An online sales training company.

Cold Call Sales Training Program
Cold Call Sales Training Program