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How to Overcome “I’m Not Interested” Objection

How to Overcome the Objection Not Interested

How to Overcome the Objection Not Interested

“What do I do when I finally get ahold of a prospect I’ve been chasing and they respond with – “I got your message, I’m not interested”?”

How to overcome the objection not interested. If you hear the “I’m not interested” objection from prospects regularly, you have a bigger problem at hand because it means your original message is missing the mark.

Missing the mark once in a while is OK and only natural. But if this response is happening on a weekly (or worse, daily) basis, that’s an indicator that your OVS (Opening Value Statement) is off. And that usually only happens when you are following the wrong sales process/strategy, to begin with (think about it… if you are repeatedly missing the mark on the very first step of the sales process, how can you argue you are on the right path?)

So if that’s the situation you are in, it’s time to re-tool your sales process.

If on the other hand you just want to be prepared on how to handle this type of response when it OCCASIONALLY comes up, that is a different story.

How to Overcome the Objection Not Interested

The best response I’ve found to the “I got your message, I’m not interested” response is to simply reply:

“Well, (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision. I’m only calling because we recently helped (Competitor 1, 2 & 3) avoid/cut/reduce/lower (MAJOR HOT BUTTON) while at the same time gain/produce/generate/streamline (MAJOR BENEFIT / HOT BUTTON) and wanted to ask you a few questions just to see if what we have to offer may be of some help to you as well, would that be OK?”

Overcome the Objection Not Interested Example #1:

“Mr/Mrs (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision [ever so slight pause] I’m only calling because we recently helped (Competitor 1, 2 & 3) avoid making OVERPAYMENTS on their property taxes & insurance premiums while streamlining their fixed asset management process and wanted to ask you a few questions just to see if what we have to offer may be of some help to you as well, would that be OK?”

Overcome the Objection Not Interested Example #2:

“Mr/Mrs (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision [ever so slight pause] All I know is, (Competitor 1, 2 & 3) gave us a shot at their business over _____ months/years ago and they say they are glad they did. I tend to believe them cause they keep sending us a check every month and so I just wanted to ask you a few quick questions just to see if what we have to offer may be of some help to you as well, would that be OK?”


BFD! Big. Freaking. Deal. I’ve lost more business chasing prospects that never wanted to be caught than I care to admit and realized a long time ago it’s much better to move on to the next call than it is to stew about why a particular prospect doesn’t want the best solution out there.

Now I’m not saying to give up totally if they truly are a potential whale of a client. Just be smart about it. If landing them really is a B.F.D. to you, and signing them really is worth it, BE DIFFERENT TO GET THEIR ATTENTION (You should be doing that anyway)

Caution: Don’t just be creative for the sake of being creative. Brand / position yourself as a value-added resource to your prospect (Note: this takes time, so be patient and have your time management skills in check)

One simple solution is to have 10 pre-written “problem-solving” articles queued up in an automated drip email campaign that focuses on solving a problem for your prospect. This way you can move on to less resistant prospects while auto branding yourself as a valuable resource to your hard-to-crack prospect without lifting a finger. Do it right and before you know it, that original cold call of yours will blossom into a nice hot lead.

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone teaches inside sales teams how to pick up the phone and close business. He is the CEO/FOUNDER of SalesBuzz.com – An online sales training company.