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Is there room for more?

Is there room for more?

“Is there someone in your field who is achieving more than you are, right now?”

Today, instead of answering one of your sales questions, I’d like to ask you a question:

Is there someone in your field who is achieving more than you are, right now? Someone who is being more successful?

I’m asking not in a competitive way but rather in a measurement way. Is there room for more for you? More satisfaction? More growth? More money? More peace?
Is there someone else in your field or similar situation work wise who is earning more than you are? No matter if you are a small business owner, VP of sales, sales manager or a sales rep… Is there someone else getting better results?
Here’s why I ask… Flying back to Tampa from Minnesota after a weekend of watching my daughter play hockey I was listening to Tony Robbins audiobook on the plane (Awaken the Giant) and he talked about how “decisions”, not “conditions” determine your destiny.
Sure, some appear to have been born with better genetics, talent, finances or all three. But the world is full of underdog success stories. People who had no business being wildly successful and yet we read about them all the time.
So what’s the primary difference between those who are achieving better results compared to the rest of the pack?
The answer according to Tony Robbins is very simple:

“If someone is having greater success than you in these areas they are making different decision than you are.”

Tony goes on to share what he calls The Ultimate Success Formula:

  • Clearly decide what you want
  • Take MASSIVE action
  • Notice what’s working and what’s not working
  • When things aren’t working CHANGE your approach until it DOES work

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So, in closing… Is there room for more? If there is, remember this:
It’s not how bad you want it… It’s how hard you’re willing to work for it.
– Michael Pedone
Michael Pedone teaches inside sales teams how to pick up the phone and close businessHe is the CEO/FOUNDER of SalesBuzz.com – An online sales training company.


Learn how to successfully sell by phone, email & LinkedIn – Live Online Sessions from Michael Pedone
Register Now for Our Next 8-Week Phone Skills Improvement Program!

  • Eliminate “No, Thanks”, “Not Interested” & “We’re All Set” Responses
  • Learn a step-by-step process for Cold Calling and Warm Calling
  • Neutralize Gatekeepers & Get Voicemails Returned
  • Ask Engaging Questions Instead of Probing
  • Improve your Qualifying Skills
  • Learn more effective Sales Questions to ask (and ones to avoid)
  • Give Stellar Presentations & Handle Objections
  • Close Follow-up Calls and Get Targeted Referrals
  • How to Set & Achieve Your Toughest Sales Goals
  • Improve Your Time Management Skills

Duration: 1 hour per week for 8 weeks
Where: Online @ your desk, conference room or home
Presenters: Michael Pedone