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How to Sell Over the Phone Step #2

How to Successfully Sell Over the Phone Step #2

Before you pick up the phone, you need to be prepared for one of three things that will happen every time you make a sales call, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a “first-time” sales call or a “follow-up” call.

With every sales call, you know you will either get:

  • Gatekeeper
  • Voicemail
  • Prospect

You know one of these three scenarios will happen on every sales call.

Eliminating Call Reluctance

Call reluctance takes a backseat when you plan and have a prepared statement for the gatekeeper, voicemail, or if the prospect answers the phone.

Creating a sales talk track/playbook for each sales process step is critical for individual, small-business, and enterprise-level sales team success.

Outbound sales reps have been spoiled for the past ten years by adding names into a sales email cadence and hitting send.

It’s not working at the level it once did. Emails are too easy to ignore.

Picking up the phone and knowing precisely what to say to get to the next level of the call when the gatekeeper answers, the call goes to voicemail, or when the prospect answers the phone is how you start to win the game again on sales.

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone is the founder of SalesBuzz.com: How to Sell By Phone Online Sales Training Course that Reduces Turnover, Increases Pipeline, and Shortens Sales Cycles.