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How to Sell Over the Phone

Sales Outreach Strategy

How to Sell Over the Phone:

Mastering Techniques from Michael Pedone and SalesBuzz.com

Selling over the phone can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it can become one of the most effective ways to close deals and grow your business. Michael Pedone, the founder of SalesBuzz.com, is a leading expert in this field. His teachings provide a comprehensive guide on how to navigate phone sales with confidence successfully. Here, we break down some key insights and actionable tips based on his methodologies.

  1. Understand the Psychology of Phone Sales

Michael Pedone emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychology behind phone sales. It’s not just about what you say but how you say it. Tone, pace, and clarity are crucial. Here are some psychological aspects to consider:

  • Voice Tone: Maintain a friendly and professional tone. Your voice should convey confidence and enthusiasm.
  • Listening Skills: Active listening is key. Pay attention to the prospect’s needs and respond accordingly.
  • Have a plan: Know exactly what you will say and how to say it for each stage of the sales call.
  1. Perfect Your Opening Statement

The opening statement can make or break your call. Michael Pedone suggests crafting a compelling and concise introduction that grabs the prospect’s attention. Here’s a structure to follow:

  • Identify Yourself and Your Company: Clearly state who you are and the company you represent.
  • Reason for Calling: Briefly explain why you’re calling and how it relates to the prospect.
  • Value Proposition: Highlight the benefits of your offering and how it can solve the prospect’s problem.

Example: “Hi [Prospect’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. The reason I’m calling is we recently helped (similar company/competitor) reduce operational costs by 20% by…”

  1. Qualify Your Prospects

Not every prospect is a good fit for your product or service. Pedone teaches the importance of qualifying prospects early in the conversation to ensure you invest your time wisely. Qualifying is broken down into three sections:

  • Section 1: Problem recognition. If there’s no agreed-upon problem, there is no need for a solution.
  • Section 2: Decision-making role. There are five categories every prospect will fit into as it relates to their role in the decision-making process. They are: 1) The Ultimate DM, 2) Part of the DM Team, 3) the Influencer, 4) the End-user, and 5) the Information Gatherer. You must identify which “category” your prospect fits in before moving on to the next stage.
  • Section 3: Purchasing Ability. Once you have properly identified and agreed that a problem exists and they want it solved and qualified the prospect on their decision-making authority, it’s time to qualify your prospect on your solutions price range. When you learn how to do this properly, you ELIMINATE the “Price Objection” at the close.
  1. Present Your Solution Like a Pro

One of the best ways to nail your presentation (after properly qualifying the prospect) is to ask, “What are the top three (features) most important to you when selecting a _______?” Now that you know what to present, make sure you:

  • Ask tie-downs: A tie-down is a question you ask throughout the presentation. It’s a temperature check to see if the prospect is with you while explaining your solution to their problem. Most salespeople act like a racehorse when they give a presentation and just go hard from start to finish without taking a breath or seeing if they are “on the mark” with what they are presenting.
  • Closing on Solution Concept: This is a play that you run as you wrap up your presentation. Asking the “Closing on Solution Concept” question eliminates the “I want to think about it” objection because it encourages the prospect to commit or offer a hard reason for a sales objection.
  1. Handle Objections Like a Pro

When you get an objection at the close, use Michael Pedone’s 5-Step Objection Handling Formula.

  1. Close the Deal

Closing the deal is where all your efforts pay off. Pedone emphasizes a straightforward and confident closing approach. Here’s a simple closing technique:

  • Assumptive Close: “I have your full name as (FIRST / LAST NAME)… Is that how it appears on your credit card? (Prospect says: Yes) OK, I’m ready for the number when you are.”
  1. Follow-Up Diligently

Follow-ups are critical in phone sales. Many deals are closed in the follow-up stage. Here are some tips from Pedone on effective follow-ups:

  • Be Persistent but Polite: Don’t give up after one or two attempts. Follow up consistently but always remain respectful of the prospect’s time.
  • Provide Value: Each follow-up should offer something valuable, including additional information, a case study, or a special offer.
  • Track Your Follow-Ups: Use a CRM to keep track of your follow-up schedule and notes from each conversation.


Mastering phone sales requires a blend of skill, strategy, and persistence. By incorporating the teachings of Michael Pedone and SalesBuzz.com, you can enhance your phone sales techniques and close more deals. Remember, every call is an opportunity to build a relationship and offer a solution. With practice and the right approach, you can become a phone sales expert. Happy selling!

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Find Out More About Our Program
  • How to Warm Up and Close Cold Leads
  • Eliminate “No, Thanks,” “Not Interested,” & “We’re All Set” Responses
  • Neutralize Gatekeepers & Get Voicemails Returned
  • Ask Engaging Questions Instead of Probing
  • Improve your Qualifying Skills
  • Give Stellar Presentations & Handle Objections
  • Close Follow-up Calls and Get Targeted Referrals
  • How to Set & Achieve Your Toughest Sales Goals
  • Improve Your Time Management Skills
Duration: 1 hour per week for 8 weeks Where: Online @ your desk, conference room or home Presenters: Michael Pedone