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eLearning: Best Online Sales Training Programs


This video was made to show how to get your sales team to turn cold calls into sales conversations, fill pipeline with qualified opportunities and shorten the sales cycle.

According to a study by Chorus.ai, the average cold call duration is 80 seconds.

This means most salespeople are getting blown off the call – they are not even getting to first base.

They hear things like “No thanks, not interested, we’re all set, we already have something that does that” or the famous “no budget”.

It’s extremely hard to hit quota when sales reps are getting rejected call after call.

If this feels familiar and you’re running out of options and the thought of spending $50,000 and a week off the phones losing production to have an outside company provide training doesn’t sound like a smart idea, there’s a solution that works for Enterprise-level companies such as 3M all the way down to the heartbeat of America and its small-businesses.

Smart companies are turning to e-Learning sales training because it’s proven to increase retention rates 60% higher than traditional training methods and it takes less time and costs about 90% less.

The above video will show you what an eLearning sales training program looks like and how it works…

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone is the founder of SalesBuzz.com – a turnkey on-demand skills-building program for inside sales teams.

Try a free class today.