Category: Sales Training

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Bite-Sized Sales Training

Bite-Sized Sales Training The Smarter Way to Build a Confident Sales Team In today’s fast-paced sales environment, traditional training methods can feel like a marathon—overwhelming, time-consuming, and often hard to retain. But what if you could train your sales team in smaller, focused, and actionable steps that deliver results? Welcome to bite-sized sales training, a […]

Thinking About a 1 Day Sales Training Course?

Thinking About a 1 Day Sales Training Course? Think again. A 1-day sales training course sounds like a great idea when you need to re-energize and motivate your inside sales team to pick up the phones. But do the statistics agree? After taking a 1-day sales training course, salespeople seem to always fall back into […]

3-Steps to Get an ROI on Sales Training

3-Steps to Get an ROI on Sales Training You want to know the money you put into a sales training course will pay you back in better performance and that your team will show up, pay attention, and learn. Here are three (3) steps to ensure you get the highest possible ROI for your next […]

What is SalesBuzz? And why should my team take the sales training?

A Zoom kick-off call with a new client reveals why the team should be excited to take the online sales training course from and what to expect from it. – Michael Pedone Michael Pedone teaches inside sales teams how to pick up the phone and close business. He is the CEO/FOUNDER of – An online sales training company.