How to Create a Sense of Urgency
“How Do You Create Urgency to Get Prospects Off the Fence and Get Them to Buy Now?” Sales people often try to create a sense of urgency at the end of the sales process. This causes a lot of stress and anxiety (mostly for the sales person) as they try to hit their end of […]
5-Step Plan that Helps Good Salespeople Become Great
“I’ve have over 7 years of sales experience (not all with the same company) but have yet to reach that “Top Sales Rep” status based on my numbers… What do I need to do?” Everyone “wants” to be considered one of the best but only a few are willing to do what it takes to […]
Have Prospects WANTING to Take Your Sales Calls
“I want to build long term relationships rather than close transactional sales. One challenge I have is that many of the accounts I close do very little business with us. Once they are signed on I don’t want to do the whole “Just calling to check in” bit. What’s the most effective way to “check in”? Let’s break […]
How to Improve Phone Sales Skills Long Term
Has “No Thanks,” “Not Interested,” and “We’re All Set (Click)” responses turned your once stellar phone sales confidence into “rejection anxiety”? If it has, I’m willing to bet it’s more than pride that has taken a hit. The adverse effects of “sales phobia” are also felt in the wallet on paydays. Simple “Cause and Effect” […]
What’s the Best Way to Uncover a Prospects Pain?
“What’s the Best Way to Uncover a Prospects Pain?” Every business is only in business because they solve a pain / problem for a particular audience. As a sales person, you should know what your targeted “audience” looks like and what common pains they probably have with the current solutions they use before ever picking up the […]
B2B SALES PODCASTS: Daily Routine for Success
No job, money, car, or place to live… no problem! All that was needed to turn things around was a plan. In this podcast, MARK STRUCZEWSKI interviews Michael Pedone to discover his “productivity steps” to go from “rock bottom” to becoming a successful straight-commission salesperson and entrepreneur. Michael Pedone – Founder of Online […]
How to Handle Rejection when Selling by Phone
Having the Right Phone Sales Mentality for Success Learn how to be mentally prepared for selling by phone; What the REAL definition is of a cold call; Why KPI’s (Key PROSPECTING Indicators) is key to your success in phone sales; How to stay MOTIVATED and ELIMINATE Call Reluctance; How to map out your sales call […]
Prospect Is Disappointed I Called – What Do I Do?
“What do you do when you call a prospect back, and you can tell by the tone of their voice that they don’t want to talk to you, even though you had a good call with them previously?” So, just to clarify… You’ve spoken with the prospect before, the previous call(s) seemed to go well, […]
B2B SALES PODCASTS: The $1.2MM Outbound Sales Process
In this B2B Sales Podcast, learn how, as a kid, Michael Pedone dreamed of living a lifestyle where money wasn’t scarce. Fast-forward a few decades, and Pedone sold his first company for $1.2MM. Hear how desire, determination and following a simple outbound sales process formula was the key to success. Michael Pedone’s first company […]
Cold Calls Vs. Cold Emails – Which gets better results?
“Which gets better results? Cold calls or Cold emails?” Sales is all about one thing at the end of the day… are you hitting your numbers? Yes, I’m 100% on board with the only way to be successful is to help others get what they want. You need that mindset to be successful in sales. […]