How to Overcome “I’m Not Interested” Objection
How to Overcome the Objection Not Interested “What do I do when I finally get ahold of a prospect I’ve been chasing and they respond with – “I got your message, I’m not interested”?” How to overcome the objection not interested. If you hear the “I’m not interested” objection from prospects regularly, you have a […]
New School Cold Calling with Michael Pedone
Jeffery Gitomer: Our guest this week is Michael Pedone, CEO and Head Instructor at Michael is an expert in all forms of prospecting and he loves to discuss cold calling, where it’s been and where it’s going. In this episode, Michael describes his new formula for cold calling and why you shouldn’t be afraid to pick […]
The Give Me Your Best Price Objection
The Give Me Your Best Price Objection “I’m losing deals to competitors that undercut my proposal and beat my best offer. What can I do?” OK, well, there are lots of assumptions to be made here in order to answer this effectively. So let’s cover some basics such as 1) you are speaking with a […]
No-Shows. Why prospects break their commitment
I’m having issues with prospects not answering for our scheduled phone call. We have discussed initial information and because of the complexity of our services a follow up call is usually necessary. The number of people that do not answer the phone for that scheduled call is ridiculously high to me, any tips in fixing […]
When an OBJECTION is More than Just Another Objection
Are you letting common sales objections tank your career? A few days ago I had to bring my car into the dealer for normal service. While there I went and said “Hi” to the sales manager. As we chatted, I noticed their “up” log (it’s a form that has the salespersons name, the prospects name […]
Identifying the Real Decision Maker with Michael Pedone
Identifying the Real Decision Maker with Michael Pedone Making his triumphant return to Sell or Die this week is Michael Pedone, CEO and Head Instructor at Michael is an expert in all forms of prospecting and he loves to discuss cold calling, where it’s been and where it’s going. – Michael Pedone Michael Pedone teaches outbound sales […]
How to Craft Winning Sales Presentations
SALES PRESENTATION TIPS: “I am putting together a sales presentation for an account that I really want to win. Do you have a few SalesBuzz presentation tips for me?” When crafting sales presentations, I follow this three-step formula: Problem, Solution, Benefit Method. Problem From the prospect’s perspective, the sales presentation is your solution to their […]
Opening Sales Script Template for Multiple Solutions
Opening Sales Script Template for Multiple Solutions “I see a lot of opening script ideas and templates pitching a specific solution addressing a specific need. But my company offers solutions that hit on very different pain points. Am I best off opening with something targeted or trying to quickly relay all of our capabilities and […]
Cold Calling Defensive Prospects
“My prospects are investors in the stock market. I am cold calling people at home. They are already defensive knowing they are being called at their house. How can I address this defense mechanism immediately?” What strikes me first is your pre-conditioned idea that your prospects are going to be “defensive” right out of […]
Cold Email Template Winner
“I need help creating a cold email template that will work. What do you recommend?” Well for starters, I recommend using valuable content delivered via email and social media marketing channels to generate warm leads rather than having sales reps send massive amounts of cold emails to prospects that are already getting bombarded with cold emails. With […]