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What if this is the new norm?

Captain Obvious here: we are living in historic times. A 100-years from now, our time period and generation will be talked about in history classes, although we aren’t sure if those future classes will be in-person or online/virtual settings. They’ll talk about how borders were closed down along with all the major, minor, and youth […]

Work from Home Inside Sales Tips

Work from Home Inside Sales Tips Working from home as an inside sales rep is fantastic. But not because you’ll have Netflix or Xbox at your fingertips with no one around to check up on you. Working from home gives you a chance to be HAPPIER and more productive. When you work from home, you: […]

The “Can You Send Me Some References?” Request

“I’m often asked for references from prospects. I have great clients that rave about us and have given us permission to use them as a reference. However, I’m noticing that I’m not closing many of the deals that asked for references. What gives?” I’m glad you’re asking this because the common conclusion a lot of […]

Can I speak with your boss?

Inside Sales Techniques to Use on Non-Decision Makers “How do you get a Non-Decision Maker to put you in contact with the real Decision Maker?” Ideally, salespeople want only to be calling the real decision-makers; however, that is simply not a reality. Interacting with non-decision makers is a daily occurrence for B2B salespeople, whether they […]

Podcast: When to Quit with Michael Pedone w/Jeffrey Gitomer & Jen Gluckow

 Knowing when to quit is a key component of success. It can also be the difference between life and death. Join us for a very special conversation with Founder, CEO, and head instructor of (as well as Sell or Die Hall of Famer) Michael Pedone. — Shownotes Topics: Winning in Losing; Dealing with […]

When Prospects Ask “What’s the Price?” Question

How do you respond to customers who want to know your price right away? So… quick clarification question before giving my answer… A) Is this a call-in and the prospect says, “What’s your best price”? B) Is this a call-in and the prospect says, “I’m calling to get some pricing information on your XYZ”? C) […]

How to Make Morning Sales Meetings Effective

“I manage a team of work-at-home sales reps and I don’t have the ability to listen in on all of their calls. While I do attempt to coach as much as possible, the coaching is mainly based on the data that the rep puts into our CRM. Do you have recommendations for coaching inside sales […]

How to Avoid Losing Deals to Cheaper Competitors

“When in the negotiation phase, I’m being asked for a better price. I know this is going to happen, so I’ve started leaving a little room to move, however after I give a price break, I hear, “OK thanks, we will get back in touch with you,” but then they end up buying from my […]

Get LinkedIn Prospects to Connect With You

How Inside Sales Reps Can Turn LinkedIn Connection Requests into Opportunities “I’m an inside sales rep doing my best to take advantage of “social selling” with LinkedIn, but I’m having a hard time getting prospects to accept my connection requests. Any suggestions?” LinkedIn can be a powerful social selling tool that can help you increase […]

Outbound Sales Cadence Examples

Outbound Sales Cadence Examples: Best Practices for Inside Sales Cadences to Work Outbound sales cadence examples typically focus on action steps based on spacing. Sales Cadence Example: Day 1: CALL/VOICEMAIL/EMAIL #1 DAY 2: EMAIL #2 DAY 3: CALL/NO VOICEMAIL DAY 5: EMAIL #3 SAAS sales software tools such as Outreach, SalesLoft, and Xant (Formerly have […]