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How to Help New Phone Sales Reps Perform Better

Phone Sales

How to Help New Phone Sales Reps Perform Better

Do you have sales reps following the playbook but are still not producing like the rest of the team?

I was recently asked:

“What to do when a rep hits their KPIs, listens, and mimics top performers, AND is being COACHED but still doesn’t generate results; what advice would you give them?”

Without hearing a recording of them on the phone, I suspect the underperforming sales rep is overthinking.

They have coaching, KPIs, and listening to others; it is all rambling around in their head while on the phone, and they are probably overanalyzing every call they make.

This is a recipe for disaster, and it is how companies lose potential stars in the making.

I suggest the rep focuses on ONE THING: HELPING.

Ask them to forget about everything else and focus on calling each lead to see if they can help them. That’s it.

You’re not calling with the predetermination that you must set an appointment, “sound” a certain way, or close a deal.

Just call and see if you can help them.

Once you have this conversation with the rep, ask them to make a list of at least 20 prospects and have them make at least 20 calls in a row without stopping.

I want to break their habit of over-analyzing every sales call they make.

The training will naturally kick in once they get comfortable in the pocket, making the calls and starting conversations.

– Michael Pedone

Michael Pedone is the CEO/FOUNDER of SalesBuzz.com – On-demand sales training program that teach B2B phone sales techniques that work.